
UNV - United Nations VolunteersVer más


Descripción del trabajo


Mission and objectives

El Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia y UNICEF trabajan actualmente en el Programa de País 2018 - 2022 que tiene el objetivo de apoyar en la reducción de las brechas de desigualdad —especialmente en los pueblos indígenas— y lograr que los niños, niñas y adolescentes constituyan un elemento fundamental para el desarrollo sostenible de Bolivia.Las prioridades del programa de país responden al análisis de la situación de la niñez y la adolescencia en Bolivia, a los resultados del examen programático sobre el género de 2016 y a varios marcos normativos, concretamente al Código Niña, Niño y Adolescente, a la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño y a la Convención sobre la Eliminación de Todas las Formas de Discriminación contra la Mujer.El Programa de País contribuye a la implementación de la Agenda Patriótica 2025, al Plan de Desarrollo Económico y Social 2016 – 2022, al Plan Plurinacional de la Niña, Niño y Adolescente, al Código Niña, Niño y Adolescente y a planes sectoriales clave del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. También aporta a los cinco resultados del Marco de Asistencia de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (MANUD) 2018 – 2022 acordado con el Estado boliviano. Asimismo, a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y al Plan Estratégico 2018 – 2021 de UNICEF.


UNICEF strives to build a world in which the rights of every child are realized. lt provides long-term humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. UNICEF defends the Convention on the Rights of the Child and works to ensure the equality of discriminated persons, particularly girls and women. Their interventions are framed in the Sustainable Development Goals and in the progress promised in the Charter of the United Nations.UNICEF has been working in Bolivia since the 1970s through a Basic Cooperation Agreement signed with the Government. The current Cooperation Program between the Plurinational State of Bolivia and UNICEF covers the period 2013-2017 and the new Country Program 2018-2022 (CPD).The 2018-2022 Cooperation Program between the Plurinational State of Bolivia and UNICEF aims to strengthen National and Sub-national institutional capacity for the provision of safe and quality water, sanitation and hygiene services to children, adolescents, and their families, as well as the empowerment of the population in the adoption of healthy hygiene and sanitation practices, especially in rural areas.The main lines of action in Water, Hygiene, Sanitation in articulation with Environmental Health are the following:- Participation and social mobilization for the adoption of healthy practices of hygiene and the community management of services of Water and sanitation in the rural areas.- Institutional strengthening for the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene services in communities, health centers, schools, child development centers.- Strengthening intersectoral work between the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Ministry of Health (Environmental Health Management Programme) for the control and monitoring of water quality for human consumption.The Country Program has the necessary resources to implement the actions and results presented.

Task description

Under the direct supervision of the Wash Specialist, and in coordination with the Health Officer, the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:- Provide technical assistance to counterparts at the municipal level with the Environment Division, to strengthen the integrated management of water delivery and sanitation services in the intervention municipalities of the program.- Provide technical assistance to the Environmental Health Management Program (SEDES) from the Ministry of Health in the process of Water Surveillance for human consumption.- Facilitate the articulated work between UNASVI and the Environmental Health Uniy for the development of the monitoring and control component of water for human consumption.- Promote at municipal level the coordinated work between the Environment Division, the Municipal Health Headquarters and the District Education Directorate to ensure the provision of Water and sanitation services in Health Centers, Child Development Centers and Schools.- Participate and provide technical assistance in the analysis of the situation of Early Childhood in the municipalities of Cochabamba, UNICEF intervention area, in coordination with the other sectors and under the coordination of the Responsible of Result 1 of the new Country Program (Chief Child Survival and Development).- Support the processes of evaluation and follow-up to the implementation of the planned actions with the sectors involved.- Prepare relevant technical reports and at the request of their supervisors

Refer code: 510285. UNV - United Nations Volunteers - El día anterior - 2024-01-11 18:48

UNV - United Nations Volunteers


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