
Unv - United Nations VolunteersVer más


Descripción del trabajo


Mission and objectives

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), also known as the UN Refugee Agency, operating in 130 countries in the world, is mandated to lead and coordinate international actions for the worldwide protection of refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless persons and to seek, together with Governments, durable solutions for them. In Armenia, UNHCR operates since 1992 and is engaged in provision of humanitarian assistance, legal counselling, and advocacy for the inclusion and integration of refugees. In parallel, UNHCR helps build the capacity of the authorities to ensure protection, wellbeing and integration of refugees.


The core mandate of UNHCR is the international protection of refugees. The provision of international protection by UNHCR implies ensuring the basic human rights of refugees in their countries of asylum and that refugees will not be returned involuntarily to a country where they could face persecution. Longer term, the organization helps refugees find appropriate durable solutions to their plight, by repatriating voluntarily to their homeland, integrating in countries of asylum or resettling in third countries.UNHCR has presence in the Republic of Armenia since 1992, under a Co-operation Agreement signed with the Government. The overarching focus of UNHCR Armenia is the UNHCR global mandate to provide protection to displaced populations and assist the Government in finding durable solutions for them. UNHCR works to ensure that the rights of asylum-seekers, refugees, persons in refugee-like situation, and stateless persons are respected and protected and that they can access their rights in safety and with dignity.UNHCR’s standard work in Armenia concentrates on capacity-building activities geared towards strengthening national authorities, laws, and policies to ensure the proper handling of refugee and asylum issues, the reception and care of refugees, the promotion of self-reliance of refugees and the realization of durable solutions. These are carried out in combination with other activities such as advocacy, information dissemination and monitoring. As a result of the recent escalation of the conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, many people had to spontaneously arrive in Armenia to seek emergency support and humanitarian assistance. UNHCR has been engaged in interagency coordination and humanitarian response and leads the Protection and NFI/Shelter Working Groups.UNHCR Armenia strategy supports the implementation of relevant elements of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework in continuing dialogue and cooperation with the Government and other partners in Armenia notably regarding:• Continuous efforts to strengthen the national protection systems in admission, registration, reception and processing of applications of asylum-seekers, as well as integrating recognized refugees and stateless persons;• Sufficient capacities for preventative action and emergency preparedness through regular review of early warning, risk monitoring, disaster risk reduction, contingency planning and emergency preparedness, and humanitarian response.• Support for sustainable development programmes in order to enhance resilience for host communities and refugees in the areas of education, jobs and livelihoods, health, gender equality, child protection, accommodation, environment, food security and nutrition, civil registration, legal assistance, and social cohesion and reconciliation;• Support for creating durable solutions in cooperation with countries of origin to ensure conditions are conducive for safe and dignified return, and in the long term through offering resettlement and other legal pathways for admission in Armenia.

Task description

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of UNHCR Assistant Programme Officer or his/her designated mandated representative(s), the National UNV Programme Assistant will:• Provide administrative assistance and support in routine services and activities within Programme unit thus better able to meet the needs of forcibly displaced and stateless persons;• Participate in the preparation of draft project documents including partnership agreements, project submissions, revisions; and translate project documents as required;• Work closely with UNHCR Armenia’s partners to assess the needs of vulnerable asylum-seekers, refugees and others of concern and identify assistance as required;• Assist in exploring opportunities for mainstreaming UNHCR’s persons of concern into available national services and available projects;• Support the Programme Unit in contributing to the community outreach initiatives within the multi-functional team setting, and the focused group discussions with the refugee community;• In coordination with the Programme and Project Control, carry out monitoring visits to UNHCR Armenia’s implementing partners to oversee programme implementation and provide inputs for further planning;• Maintain and update the Programme Unit’s filing system (hard copy and online);• Support processing of payments for UNHCR direct implementation, as well as support organisation of meetings, workshops under Programme Unit;• Conduct the research and assessment to support the UNHCR Armenia Strategy implementation and planning;• Any other related tasks as may be required or assigned by the Supervisor.Furthermore, UN Volunteers are encouraged to integrate the UN Volunteers programme mandate within their assignment and promote voluntary action through engagement with communities in the course of their work. As such, UN Volunteers should dedicate a part of their working time to some of the following suggested activities:• Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark International Volunteer Day);• Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country;• Provide annual and end of assignment self-reports on UN Volunteer actions, results and opportunities.• Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.;• Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly-arrived UN Volunteers;• Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.Results/expected outputs:As an active UNHCR team member, efficient, timely, responsive, client-friendly and high-quality support rendered to UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Armenia and its beneficiaries in the accomplishment of her/his functions, including:• The UNV is able to prepare draft project documents, reports, assessments and other programme related documents;• The UNV is able to and assess the needs of vulnerable asylum-seekers, refugees others of concern and identify assistance as required;• The UNV is able to explore opportunities for mainstreaming forcibly displaced and stateless persons into available national services;• The UNV is able to carry out community outreach meetings and focused group discussions with the refugee community;• The UNV is able to incorporate the specific protection concerns and priorities of UNHCR’s persons of concern in the projects implemented under the operation;• The UNV is able to monitor UNHCR Armenia’s implementing partners to oversee programme implementation;• Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspective is systematically applied, integrated and documented in all activities throughout the assignment;• A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for peace and development during the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in and capacities developed.

Refer code: 563196. Unv - United Nations Volunteers - El día anterior - 2024-02-19 13:09

Unv - United Nations Volunteers


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